Tokens for Get Document Signatures

The Get Document Signatures activity produces the following tokens.

Name Description Sample Syntax*
Sign Date The date each user signed the document, listed in a multi-value token. %(GetDocumentSignatures_Sign Date)
Sign Reason The reason each user gave for signing the document, listed in a multi-value token. %(GetDocumentSignatures_Sign Reason)
Signature Is Modified Whether the document was modified after the user signed it. If more than one user signed the document, this token lists (as a multi-value token) whether the document was modified after each user signed it. %(GetDocumentSignatures_Signature Is Modified)
Signature Is Trusted Whether the signature is trusted. If the document has more than one signature, this token lists (as a multi-value token) whether each of the signatures is trusted. %(GetDocumentSignatures_Signature Is Trusted)
Signature Count The number of users who signed the document. %(GetDocumentSignatures_Signature Count)
Is Trusted Whether all signatures on the document are trusted. %(GetDocumentSignatures_Is Trusted)
Is Modified Whether the document was changed after any of the users signed the document. %(GetDocumentSignatures_Is Modified)
Signer The name of each user who signed the document, listed in a multi-value token. %(GetDocumentSignatures_Signer)
Signature ID The signature's ID number. If more than one user signed the document, this token lists (as a multi-value token) the ID numbers of each signature. %(GetDocumentSignatures_Signature Id)

*The "GetDocumentSignatures" portion of the syntax changes to match the activity's name as specified in the Activity Name property box. Note that all non-alphanumeric characters, except underscores, are removed from the name. For example, if you rename the activity Check_Signers/Reasons, the syntax for the Sign Date token will be %(Check_SignersReasons_Sign Date).

Tokens for each signature

You can access the tokens for each signature when this activity is used with the For Each Row activity. The For Each Row activity runs one time per signature. Each time it runs, the token values reflect the information relevant to the signature it is currently processing.

Name Description Sample Syntax*
Is Countersignature Whether the signature also signs other signatures. This token can have one of two values: true or false. %("GetDocumentSignatures_Is Countersignature)
Sign Reason Any reason or comment associated with the signature. %("GetDocumentSignatures_Sign Reason)
Signer The name of the user who signed the document. %("GetDocumentSignatures_Signer)
Signer SID The SID (security identifier) of the user who signed the document. %("GetDocumentSignatures_Signer SID)
Issued To The certificate information for the signature. %("GetDocumentSignatures_Issued To)
ID The signature's ID number. %("GetDocumentSignatures_ID)
Document Version The version of the document that the signature was applied to. %("GetDocumentSignatures_Document Version)
Is Modified Whether the document was changed after the user signed the document. %("GetDocumentSignatures_Is Modified)
Is Trusted Whether the signature is trusted. %("GetDocumentSignatures_Is Valid)
Sign Date The date the signature was applied to the document. %("GetDocumentSignatures_Sign Date)

*The "GetDocumentSignatures" portion of the syntax changes to match the activity's name as specified in the Activity Name property box. Note that all non-alphanumeric characters, except underscores, are removed from the name. For example, if you rename the activity Signer/Info, the syntax for the ID token will be %(SignerInfo_ID).